Search Methodology
Leadership Hiring / Executive Search
Leadership Hiring plays an extremely vital role in organizational growth & consistency. Our executive search services identify and attract these unique leaders, determine ideal organizational fit, and build appropriate framework(s) for compensation and retention. Whatever your leadership needs, our time-tested and innovative approach lets client maximize resources, confidently activate their leadership strategy, and attract the leaders who can realize the organization's full potential.
Understanding The Client’s Need
with regard to existing business activities, organization structure & culture and future growth plans.

Custom Recruitment Strategy
including job title, deliverable(s), principal accountabilities, key result areas and other relevant details.

Targeted Search
Keeping in mind the orientation, our engagement team will establish a search strategy to effectively target desired candidates

Pre-selection of Candidates
developing a target list of appropriate industries and/or companies from which to recruit and identify appropriate level(s) within those companies that we should target.

Presentation to Client
Once the target industry/company list is agreed upon, we will utilize our sources and networks along with our database to develop an initial candidate list

Validation by Client
Once the candidate profile is developed, It is sent to the client for validation.

Decision to Recruit
Once we have determined a mutual interest in pursuing specific candidates, we will contact them, apprise them of the opportunity and elicit their interest in the position.

Follow - up
For the most appropriate candidates, we will prepare a detailed résumé and evaluation summary to facilitate the interview process.